Hirschcorn accuses Congress of being to cowardly to do whats right, to protect America's health, security, freedom, and safety. He then writes "Even the most distracted and cynical Americans now see Congress has done next to nothing to fulfill its constitutional responsibilities."
Hirschorn also goes on to literally bash the members of House and Senate, calling them names (that I might add, sums up Congress quite well) such as: "mental midgets, embarrassing blowhards, chronic liars, outright crooks, corporate lackeys, and elderly buffoons. "
He writes that to many of the members of Congress want to be sitting in the executive office, and could care less about defending democracy.
I agree on many levels with Hirschcorn even though it seems that he is just bashing Congress, it's all sadly true. He doesn't beat around the bush he just says it plain and clear. His "name calling" might seem a little harsh but from all these years one can only suspect that yeah, they are all political idiots because if their weren't then we wouldn't be in a war right now, we wouldn't have had Bush serve in the Executive office for so long, our economy wouldn't be in debt, and right now Americans wouldn't be in the position they are in now: questioning their confidence in Congress and loosing faith.
So, what should 86% of Americans do? All the Americans who lost faith in Congress.
Hirschcorn advises the public to stop re-electing members of Congress , that only (in his words) "a handful of incumbents " deserve to be re-elected. Then he goes on to say this: "Now is the time to elect independents and third party candidates to Congress. When one objectively sees the utterly low quality of both Democratic and Republican members of Congress it becomes clear that even a random selection of ordinary Americans would probably do better" that made me really think and question, that how dumb can Congress be?! That even "I" or my next door neighbor can do a better job?? So why is that those supposably super intelligent politicians be doing such a crap job.
It is time to realize and take action into our hands because frankly I think we ALL had enough of these old quacks running this country.