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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Comeback McCain"

In a "left-leaning" blog I found a posting by "silent patriot", displaying a video in which Jon Stwert caught McCain recycling an old speech. Also, giving a direct link to Jon Perr's blog inwhich he provides more examples for proof of McCain's speech recycling habit.

It all started after speculation that McCain had no new economic proposals, as seen in a article by Jackie Calmes in the New York Post (Perr provided a direct link to the article). McCain's "comeback" was actually from his 2004 speech to the Republicain National Convention.
I thought that Perr's blog was interesting because he provided more then one source providing links for each, videos, and taking excerpts from McCain's speeches. Critizing his attempts to catch the public's admiration.
I personally think it's kind of funny, well i guess we can all say he's no William Jennings Bryan thats for sure! But then again William Jennings Bryan never won an election even with his dramatic speaking style and famous speeches.
Maybe McCain thought since in 2004 at the Republican National Convention that his conculsion ending his speech bringing the GOP to their feet:

"Our adversaries are weaker than us in arms and men, but weaker still in causes. They fight to express a hatred for all that is good in humanity.

We fight for love of freedom and justice, a love that is invincible.

Keep that faith. Keep your courage. Stick together. Stay strong.

Do not yield. Do not flinch. Stand up. Stand up with our President and fight.

We're Americans.

We're Americans, and we'll never surrender. They will."

That maybe it would have the same effect now as it did then, but come on. Once again Perr points out again McCain's recycling in his acceptance speech to the Republican National Convention at St. Paul.

"Fight with me. Fight with me. Fight for what's right for our country. Fight for the ideals and character of a free people.

Fight for our children's future. Fight for justice and opportunity for all.

Stand up to defend our country from its enemies. Stand up for each other, for beautiful, blessed, bountiful America.

Stand up, stand up, stand up, and fight.

Nothing is inevitable here. We're Americans, and we never give up.

We never quit.

We never hide from history. We make history."

So I don't know what this means for McCain's creditability, I just wonder how much longer he's going to keep repeating himself or at least come up with new material!

Crooks and Liars: Silent Patriot's Blog #14

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my political ideology

somewhere in the, tejas
My name is Sarah Carpenter, I view myself as and independent leaning to the left a bit. I'm taking this class to futher my knowledge of texas government. I also want to prove to others that the difference between me and other "young voters" , I know what I'm voting for and why. In better words: I don't vote stupid. Not only that, it's very naive to not know anything about your own state's government. I don't have much political backgorund, but i am very opinionated when it comes to war, congress, and gay civil rights. I have a strong interest in history when it comes to wars such as the one in Veitnam and the times of the civil rights movement. So hopfully people can gain an insight into what I beleive and think, Hopfully I won't offend anyone.